
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Make Extra Money Online Legitimately With Paid Online Surveys

Paid Surveys are a legitimate way of making some extra money from internet. Actively participating in paid online surveys can make a good amount of money with a sense of satisfaction. One thing that we should clearly understand is that participation in paid online surveys alone is not going to make us rich. Paid Online Surveys only help us to make some extra income from internet. Surveys help us to express our views and concerns ethically and companies conducting the surveys reward us for our time and sincere opinion.

Today there are a number of online survey companies that pay us for expressing our opinion. These survey companies reward there online survey participants in a number of ways like gift voucher, redeemable survey points, entry in a draw and cash. One thing that must be understood clearly is that every online survey is not open to everyone for participation. Survey companies have a pre-planned criteria for there survey participants. Only those participants who fulfill these criteria based on age, sex, demography, interests, occupation, qualification, living standard are allowed to participate.

This pre-qualification for surveys also means that participants at some specific place like USA, UK, Canada etc are automatically qualified to participate in a large number of online surveys then those who are participating from countries where markets comparatively less developed. This pre-qualification also applies to other criterias like interests, occupation, age group etc. Every online survey allows a fixed number of participants fulfilling each criterion, so after a limit nobody is allowed to participate in the survey. This doesn't mean that all slots for participation are already filled and there is no scope for new participants. No, this is not the case, actually companies allow everyone to provide there profile for participation in paid online surveys. When a survey suitable to a specific type of profile is available, survey companies invite each registered participant in that group to participate, those who participate before the survey reaches its limit are allowed and rest who try to participate in survey after the survey has reached its limit are denied participation.

Paid online surveys are a legitimate and ethical way of making some extra money online. In order to participate in surveys one has to register with a survey site. If one wishes to make good money from paid online surveys alone then one should get registered with almost all legitimate survey companies available to him. One thing to consider before joining and participating in each and every survey is to ensure that the survey company is genuine and has a clean track record of paying survey participants, for example Global Test Market is one such company which has a clean and flawless record. There are some popular paid online survey sites which charge a small one time fees to allow access to there well kept database of high paying legitimate survey companies.

There are a number of online survey companies which are only interested in conducting surveys and are reluctant to pay the participants, some survey companies don't even have a visible payment policy. Then there are others which are outright scams as they are only interested in collecting personal details in the name of surveys and later they sell these details to third parties and these third parties spam the survey aspirants with all sorts of offers. When we encounter such a survey company which we've got FREE from a website or blog, one really repents using FREE listing and joining such surveys, truth about them is only discovered when its time to get paid after participating in a number of surveys on there invitation, but by and large there are more legitimate and honest companies conducting paid online surveys.

Yogesh Bailwal has been actively participating in Paid Online Surveys for 3 years now. Surveys not only help to make extra money online but they also let a survey participant to raise his voice effectively and ethically with insured reward. He also likes to participates in social surveys and surveys conducted by universities which don't have much money, to pay each participant but the happiness he draws is not less then any reward. You can visit his site for more information on legitimate online income.

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Make Money Online - 4 Steps to Make the Most Money from Your Online Business

Marketing is an on-going process. A lot of people who know marketing don't actually know the whole activities that are involved in the process.

Small business owners who are in this category can't possibly get the most out of their customers. They can't optimize the process if they don't know it. They can't focus on the activities that really matter and bring in more money.

Marketing actually comprises of 4 different steps:

1. Bring prospects to your products

Unless you are already a household name for the category of product you're offering, a lot of people haven't even heard about your product or service.

The first step to actually get them to know your product. Make them pay attention to what you have to offer. The best way is to talk about the problems. Nothing relates to me more than the problems I'm currently have.

When they understand my problem, I'm all ears.

2. Motivate them to buy

People tend to put things down. That's just human nature. What makes them buy is more than just good products that solve their problems.

For example, they want to know if the product really delivers the promised results. They also want to ensure themselves they are making a wise decision.

It's only natural. After all, we have been victims for the low and so-so quality of products numerous times.

3. Get them to actually buy

Interest is not enough. Make them to desire it. Offer incentives to take action. Give them more bonuses. Discount the price if they purchase before certain date. Reverse the risk. Those are just several ways to do it.

Of course, you also want to convey the benefits they'll get from your product or service. Nothing turns them off quicker than buying bad products that promise the sky.

4. Get them to keep buying

Small business owners should realize that they're in business of creating customers. After they purchase the first product, that is just the start instead of the end.

The cost of acquiring a new customer is 5-8 times the cost of selling to existing customers. That's why getting the customers to buy again is utmost important to the bottom line of any business.

Keep this in mind while designing your product or service.

Where are you in the process? Are you missing a step or two? It may be the reason why you're not making a lot of sales. It may be the thing that keeps you from growing your business.

Identify the point of weakness in your business and start taking action now.

Are you struggling with marketing technologies to start and promote your online business?

Download your free roadmap to integrate any marketing technologies into your business in 5 simple steps, even if you're a technophobia!

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Home Biz Scams - The Truth About Making Money Online

Are you struggle looking for a home based business and wanting to earn some extra cash online? Many of you should have ran into buying product that promise to show you how to make money on the internet in numbers of day with no experience or skill required, but later they got pissed off because they don't seem to make a dime or the vague information they received. So in their anger, they went all over the internet forums and called this product a scam.

The fact of matter is without passion, hard work and time invest into the business even you purchased the best make money product will never guarantee success. This is the real truth which people who failed at internet marketing or home based business denied. The content of the sales page can be deceiving. Newbie without the proper knowledge of a home based job can easily got hyped by the sales page of a make money product that claim and promise easy money and little effort, I am not trying to point out the website owner is a scam artist but they just claim the benefit and feature of the product without telling people that hard work and time are the main factors that make people become successful.

There are a few websites that pointed out the real fact about home based business, but others avoid it because people are not going to buy if they find out that they have to work hard in order to make money online. Those who are looking for a home based business are the lazy type, they think they can work at home on their computer with less work and little time spent can make a huge pile of income, that's the wrong idea. Working for your own business can mean 10 times harder than working for someone else. Income is not guarantee either. The reason many people who failed at internet marketing and never make a single penny because they want less work and easy money, otherwise they would just quit and look for something else.

As mentioned above, with no passion, great effort, and time making money online is impossible. People always falling into believing the product they have purchased can help them to make quick money with little effort spent, this is not true. The successful one always see the world as real not some fantasy, they believe in work hard and passion to drive their business further even there is no income from the beginning. If you are not the hard working type then probably home based job is not for you.

I have investigated some internet businesses scams. Pay for nothing until you have read this.

Author name: Alex Kijsiravej

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Don't Go to Closing Before Doing This, Or You May Really Regret It!

There is one thing that most people don't do, that can cost you dearly, before you sit down to sign the closing paper. Learn from my bad experience.


You had the house inspected. Check. You calculated the amount you'll need for repairs. Check. You get all of your paperwork into the title company and the mortgage company. Check. All set to sign the closing papers? Wrong!

What is left to do? You must inspect the house one more time immediately before going to the closing.

What Happened to Me

In July 2008, I made an offer on an investment house that I thought would make a good rental property. I negotiated a deal with the seller where she would pay part of the closing costs. I hired a capable house inspector, who wrote a good report of the property. The closing was delayed a week because the lender asked for more documentation for me. During that week, I did not enter the house again, although I did a few drive bys to keep an eye on it.

After signing the papers on July 18th, I immediately went to the house to start on some repair work. Upon opening the door, I was overwhelmed by a powerful musty/humid smell. The carpet was wet and I heard the splash as I walked across the living room to the wash room. I saw the hot water was leaking and had flooded the house.

Leaking Hot Water Heater Creates Greenhouse Environment

What was worse, with the windows and doors closed, the hot water had created a humid greenhouse environment that was perfect for growing mold! And as I looked around, I could see mold on almost all the walls, from top to bottom.

After a futile effort to try to clean up the mess, I called the agent who represented both myself and the seller. She came over to the house and immediately contacted the title company and the lender to stop the deal. I was fortunate that the closing took place on Friday afternoon because the paperwork wouldn't be filed until Monday morning. The deal was stopped and I got all of my earnest money and down payment back, except the cost of the home appraisal and the inspection.

A Hard Lesson Learned

Had I done the final inspection prior to going to the closing, I could have saved a lot of time & effort.

I have been through many closings and I never did a final walk through before closing. But from now on, I will never fail do it.

As an epilogue, when I went on vacation to Mexico after this episode was over, I made it a point to turn off the gas and water to the hot water heater in my personal residence.

I think I have learned my lesson.

Terry Sprouse is author of the book "Fix 'em Up, Rent 'em Out: How to Start Your Own House Fix-Up and Rental Business in Your Spare Time."

Terry's blog & webpages:

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