
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Make Money Online - 4 Steps to Make the Most Money from Your Online Business

Marketing is an on-going process. A lot of people who know marketing don't actually know the whole activities that are involved in the process.

Small business owners who are in this category can't possibly get the most out of their customers. They can't optimize the process if they don't know it. They can't focus on the activities that really matter and bring in more money.

Marketing actually comprises of 4 different steps:

1. Bring prospects to your products

Unless you are already a household name for the category of product you're offering, a lot of people haven't even heard about your product or service.

The first step to actually get them to know your product. Make them pay attention to what you have to offer. The best way is to talk about the problems. Nothing relates to me more than the problems I'm currently have.

When they understand my problem, I'm all ears.

2. Motivate them to buy

People tend to put things down. That's just human nature. What makes them buy is more than just good products that solve their problems.

For example, they want to know if the product really delivers the promised results. They also want to ensure themselves they are making a wise decision.

It's only natural. After all, we have been victims for the low and so-so quality of products numerous times.

3. Get them to actually buy

Interest is not enough. Make them to desire it. Offer incentives to take action. Give them more bonuses. Discount the price if they purchase before certain date. Reverse the risk. Those are just several ways to do it.

Of course, you also want to convey the benefits they'll get from your product or service. Nothing turns them off quicker than buying bad products that promise the sky.

4. Get them to keep buying

Small business owners should realize that they're in business of creating customers. After they purchase the first product, that is just the start instead of the end.

The cost of acquiring a new customer is 5-8 times the cost of selling to existing customers. That's why getting the customers to buy again is utmost important to the bottom line of any business.

Keep this in mind while designing your product or service.

Where are you in the process? Are you missing a step or two? It may be the reason why you're not making a lot of sales. It may be the thing that keeps you from growing your business.

Identify the point of weakness in your business and start taking action now.

Are you struggling with marketing technologies to start and promote your online business?

Download your free roadmap to integrate any marketing technologies into your business in 5 simple steps, even if you're a technophobia!

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