
Monday, September 8, 2008

How To Make Money From Tiddlywinks

This is a question which came to mind today, and so I thought I'd share the answer.

I asked myself the question as I was preparing to send out my weekly newsletter.
I was mentioning my new book 'Make Money From Sport,' and was listing a few examples of sports which people could use the technique on.

As is my way, I decided to come up with a list that might get people wondering, so after things like tennis, boxing, football, etc, I put tiddlywinks.

It's not unusual for me to write first and think second, but on this occasion I knew I was right - I had written a book about it after all, so let's go over some methods for making money from tiddlywinks.

Firstly you could be a professional tiddlywink player.

You know how some sports have big earnings for the world elite, and other sports don't have any money even for the world's best?
I suspect tiddlywinks falls into the latter, so let's move on to method 2.

You could set up a tiddlywinks website, featuring articles, book offers, equipment offers etc.
Ok, this idea is more solid, but there are already several authoritative sites out there, and not only would you have to set up and maintain the site, possibly invest in stock, you'd also have to compete with those established sites.

The third method, and this is the technique I use, is to provide tiddlywink players and fans with something that most people want - a cost free way to earn income online.

For tiddlywink players, the benefits could include being able to collect tiddlywink memorabilia, or being able to afford trips to go to the major championships wherever they may be.

Of course, if they then turn their attention to the other sporting markets, their opportunity for income rises dramatically, more than you'd get from a lifetime of playing!

So I hope you've seen that yes, it is indeed possible to make money from tiddlywinks.

Gordon Bryan is the author of 'Make Money From Sport,' a guide where he takes you through the single technique he uses again and again to profit from any sport - even tiddlywinks - for just $7! Find out more at:

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Age of Conan Gold Farming Tips and Secrets - Learn How to Make AOC Gold Fast!

The one thing I've learned when playing MMORPG games is that you have to master the skill of harvesting gold quickly and efficiently. If you don't develop this skill then life in that particular MMO is gonna be difficult, this will result in your character being weak and your guild will not be strong enough to withstand any attacks from your competitors. This is ever so apparent in Age of Conan the latest MMORPG game to hit the stores - however you need not worry folks there are Age of Conan Gold guides that can help you master the art of AOC gold farming.

Farming gold in Age of Conan can very tricky and sometimes frustrating especially if you're a noob - gold is vital to your success in a game like Age of Conan , if you don't have sufficient gold you can't build your guild and make your army powerful and more important you can't buy the items your character needs to compete with other AOC players. Simply put - More gold means you OWN your server!

There are options to acquiring gold - first, you can buy off the Chinese farmers who spend days in end farming gold to sell to newbie gamers at a ridiculous price ($15 a piece of gold) , or find a Age of Conan gold guide that can teach you how to effectively farm gold quickly , tell you what characters can harvest gold faster and where the best locations are in the game to gather large quantities gold in a short amount of time.

Be careful, some guides are rubbish and contain useless information, but there are some AOC gold guides made by Pro Age of Conan gamers that reveal their gold farming secrets , they teach you the best places to go to farm gold, what quests offer the best gold harvesting opportunities, what characters have the best gold gathering abilities, and lastly how much gold you should have accumulated at each level and class.

These guides are easy to find and can be downloaded onto a PDF readers, to learn more about Age of Conan gold farming guides please go to - Age of Conan gold guide or AOC gold guide

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