
Monday, November 17, 2008

How to Use Twitter to Make Money Online

As I learned during my Guerrilla Information Marketing Certified Trainer course of study, one of the best ways to build or rather structure your business is to focus on the development of profit centers. With this in mind, I recently decided to conduct an experiment that involved using Twitter to take a free information product and convert it into a profit center. This article discusses how you can do the exact same thing.

Your first step is to select a product that can be digitally delivered, downloaded if you will. In my case, I chose an instructional video series called

Blogging Made Easy with WordPress

I chose this particular package because from a practical perspective, both novice and seasoned affiliate bloggers would be well served by having this tutorial as both an introduction and a refresher to the WordPress blogging platform. The point being that whatever digital product you select, be sure that it delivers instant value to your target market.

In the case of the video series, the set of 10 videos were short, informative, and had additional intrinsic market value given the fact that Master Resale Rights conveyed with the package.

Because my intent was to develop one or more blog posts on how to use some of what's discussed in the videos to enhance the blog monetization efforts of the readership, it was important that the package be delivered at no cost so that there would be no obstacle for those reading the blog posts to acquire the package for the purpose of having a contextual frame of reference for what they would be reading about. For this reason and of particular note, is the fact that a paid offer was then embedded into package to be delivered.

The point here is that after you've selected your digital product, your next step is to give the product away at no cost. However, before your give the product away, you should embed a relevant and value-added paid offer with the product. The intent here is to easily move your product into the market without a front-end profit objective, as your profit generation strategy is to generate revenue from sales of your embedded, value-added paid offer on the back-end.

After you've selected a digital product to give away and you've embedded your product with a relevant value-added paid offer. Your next step is to establish the mechanism by which your product package availability will be communicated and ultimately delivered to the market.

In my case, I started with the question

What would be a cool way for my blog readers and the market at large to know that they could get a set of FREE WordPress videos?

Contemplating the answer to that question led me to consider my experience with Atomic Blogging strategy, and the use of social networking tools and platforms as both a communication vehicle and a product delivery channel. It was this process that led me to introduce Twitter into my little experiment.

Twitter is a microblogging platform and online community that drives real-time social interaction through brief 140 character responses to the question "What are you doing?".

So, the product communication and delivery mechanism that I set up involved establishing a Twitter account and responding to the question "What are you doing?". I'd recommend you say something like

"Giving away a free product at "

By implementing this strategy, the entire Twitter community is made aware of your product giveaway and provided with a link to download your no-cost product embedded with your paid offer. As a result, you've now used Twitter to take a free information product and convert it into a profit center.

Wayne Brooks is a Guerrilla Information Marketing Certified Trainer, and Founder of's Affiliate Blogger Network, a community for Bloggers seeking profitability through affiliate marketing. Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box. Learn more about Affiliate Blogging, Atomic Blogging, and using Twitter to make money online by visiting

Organizing Your Blog Will Make it Successful

Blogging has become more than just a way to put ideas down for others to read. It has become a way in which businesses market their products and services. It has become a way that is quite profitable for many individuals throughout their business endeavors. However, a blog is only as successful as its content and organization. That is why you must know how to construct the perfect blog if you want it to really work for you.

The organization

There are several parts to a blog. When starting a blog on a site such as Wordpress or Blogger, you will notice that there are several parts to the blog. You will see a sidebar that consists of a biography and links and you will see that the actual blog is in a column all to itself.

You also want to ensure that:

  • You place your blog in the right category. This usually means you're going to use keywords that are relevant to your business and the content within the blog.
  • You place a link to your site in the sidebar. You can also link certain words in your blog entry to your site. The reader may choose to click right then and there.
  • You need to offer something in your blog such as a free eBook or allow them to sign up for a newsletter. This opt-in form is a great way for you to develop sales leads.
  • You have a regular posting schedule. Having a regular schedule will help make it a part of a person's routine to check your blog. You don't want to post one day and then not post the next.

Other things to do

Make sure the content is easy to read and incorporate graphics into your blog if you can. This will make it very entertaining to read.

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How Safe is Online Poker?

Online poker is no different from the ones played at the casino. The only difference of course is that people play online via the computer.

Is this game safe compared to the regular game played in the casino? The answer to this question is, it depends.

Not all of these online casinos play fair. Some of these are scams that are to launch viruses that can damage the computer of the user. There are also those who steal money from the player.

Some sites have been reported not to give the winnings to the player. The online casino does this on purpose in hopes of winning the money back.

Some sites may not also be safe to play in should there be colluding among the players. If the person suspects any activity, it is advisable to contact support immediately. The operators of the site can check it out since the computer keeps a record of the hands of each player. Some sites have software to do this that can check for any suspicious activity.

Should the person still want to play being fully aware of the risks, here are some tips to avoid being a victim of these sites;

1. Some sites offer free demos. The player should download this to see how well the software is and how good are the graphics.

2. After downloading, it is best to watch a few rounds. The person can check if there are enough tables for the limits that one wants to play.

3. Should the person be interested in tournaments, it is best to check if the site offers Freeroll. This will enable the player to win money to get the account started.

4. The most important thing to do before signing on a site is doing a background check. The person can ask other players if winnings were paid back in a timely manner. This can also be done by logging on the Poker newsgroup that posts information of the site that is being inquired.

Online poker can be played either by downloading it into the computer or playing it through the browser. Either way, the player should first check if the program is compatible. It is also advisable to scan the program for viruses since this could damage the computer.

There are a lot of sites to choose from that can be a lot of fun. If there is more than one site that looks good, then there is no harm in playing on all of them. The player has to be prepared to win some money and lose some.

Gambling sure has changed in the 20th century. The developments in technology have made it easier for people to gamble in the comforts of home rather than driving to the casino to have some fun.

The risks of playing online poker are a bit different than the ones that are normally seen on the tables. The individual does not see how the other players are reacting which could give an indication of winning that hand or not. Winnings may not be given immediately after each round.

If the site that the person has found turns out to be legitimate, then this site is a safe place to play online poker. Should the site be a bad one, then it is not. The player has to take a chance of finding the right site in order to play cards.

Claire Bowes is a successful Webmaster and publisher of My Poker Tips. Claire provides more information on her site about Hold'em Poker that you can research at home.

Online Poker