
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Own Your Arizona Health Insurance Plan As Well and Be Beholden to No One

Long term trends in employer and employee relationships have greatly changed over the past few decades. Statistics show that the average prospective employee will change their place of employment a minimum of seven times in their work lives. With that thought in mind, individuals and families should begin to question how they think about Arizona employer health benefits. A forward thinking person should consider owning their own Health, Life and disability policies so they have true financial freedom to act in their own best interest when seeking career choices.

In our current employment environment neither the employer nor the employee are offering each other much loyalty. Employers are increasingly under pressure to cut their human resources costs and those cuts often cause a slashing of Arizona health insurance benefits by shifting more of the cost to their employees to accomplish the cost saving measures. More and more employees are faced with escalating monthly costs, higher deductibles and higher co- insurance.

For employees the biggest drawback to employer benefits is the portability issue, if they leave their employer they leave behind their insurance. They have the COBRA option but it only lasts 18 months and is often cost prohibitive. Leaving a place of employment for personal, family or economic reasons becomes difficult if a person is leaving a great health plan behind. With employers cutting back on health benefits those seeking greener pastures must consider the economic impact of leaving their health plan behind as well.

You do not have to be in this situation if you owned your own Arizona health insurance plan. These policies are often less expensive than traditional group plans and are just as generous in benefits. The best reason for owning your own policy is that it can not be taken away from you as long as you pay the premiums. So no matter where your career takes you, your Arizona health insurance is never in question.

If in today's employment environment workers are claiming their independence to say no to their employers and decide to move from job to job for many reasons. They should become truly free of their employers Arizona health insurance plan as well and be beholden to no one.

Paul has been specializing in affordable Arizona Health Life & Long Term Care insurance for his Arizona clients since 1991. For more information please visit my blog at

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