
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Health Risk Management - Prevent Undiagnosable Illness!

An astounding number of "patients" come out of a doctors office or even a hospital screening - where nothing had been found - yet the person feels that something is wrong. What is wrong is the contemporary, symptoms based "healthcare" that asks for symptoms to be present in order to come into action. The dilemma is that often subjects feel lousy but are unable to pinpoint specific symptoms. In a staggering number of cases this is because of accumulation of toxins in the body which may stem from various sources and in any combination and quantities:

There are substantial Health Risks to become ill from involuntary exposure to certain substances, such as environmental toxins:

  • dioxin
  • air pollution
  • toxins in tap water (incl fluoride and chlorine)
  • ionizing radiation (nuclear waste, medical products and drugs)
  • electromagnetic fields, (incl. cell phones, wifi, wlan, etc.)
  • contaminated industrial sites (landfills)
  • oil and gas fields,
  • waste incineration
  • Dental "silver" fillings (amalgam), "gold" crowns, root canals
  • Formaldehyde (in furniture, building materials, etc.)

Then there are Health Risks associated with voluntary exposure to toxins -even by innocence - such as the many chemicals in personal care products and household detergents and chemicals

  • Toothpaste,
  • Deodorants
  • Fragrances
  • Shampoos
  • Cosmetics
  • Sun block
  • Lipsticks (lead)
  • Lotions
  • Household detergents
  • Sprays
  • Gasoline
  • Paint (lead)
  • Air fresheners
  • Phthalates & Bisphenol-A (used to soften plastics, bottles, etc)
  • Baby products

and finally the toxins in food and drinks (all commercial foods in the US have herbicides and pesticides in them):

  • synthetic sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame K, Sweet and Low, Equal, etc.)
  • Monosodium Glutamate "MSG"
  • Nitrates and Nitrites (processed meats)
  • Benzoates (in soft drinks)
  • Irradiated Food (radioactive rays treated)
  • Propylene oxide (terminal gas sterilization of raw nuts)
  • Fluoride (added to tap water)
  • Chlorine (added to tap water)
  • Pesticides (in Baby and Children food)
  • Aflatoxins, Mycotoxins (in Peanuts)
  • Antibiotics (in meat, farmed fish, chicken, milk
  • Synthetic Hormones rBGH (added to US Beef and Milk)
  • Benzene (in soft drinks, sodas)
  • Potassium bromate (added to bread)
  • BHA & BHT (added to oil to prevent rancidity)
  • Lead (in canned foods)
  • Mercury (in fish, shrimps, prawns)
  • Arsenic (seaweed, tap water)
  • Campesterol and stigmasterol (estrogen-like compounds added to Margarine)
  • Hexane (used to extract Omega 3)
  • Copper fungicide (added to production of organic foods)

Of course, this list is by no means complete; consider that thousands of new chemicals are introduced into the food chain every year. In addition, although not per se referred as toxins, you have to consider the dangers of GMO (genetically modified) Foods.

Although the above is just a list of acquired impediments to your health, the toxins may have accumulated over many years in your body and may have already wreaked havoc by impairing organ functions, hormone and mineral absorption balance, weight gain, allergies or immunity.
Based on the status quo of your health, you may want to analyze what could make you sick in the near future, so you have ample time to adapt your lifestyle accordingly.

How do you analyze toxins in the body? Well here is the answer why conventional medical tests fail to diagnose the problem, unless there is a specific suspicious toxin, no tests are routinely ordered to find any. It would be just too expensive to order lab tests for unspecified substances, considering there are tens of thousands and thousands of new toxins every year. In addition, the interaction of various toxins with each other complicates the issue even further.

Hair sample tests are cheap, private and simple and can even be ordered by mail, they may provide an overview of accumulated heavy metals and mineral imbalances. The problem is that hair dyes may falsify the results which are not very accurate in the first place. However, given the low costs they may be worth the effort. In many cases they have shown mercury intoxication from fish and dental materials, arsenic from tap water and severe mineral imbalances - which then led the subject to get the problem clinically investigated.

When you consider the dangers from all the above and how it may affect you, you may become more vigilant about what products to use and how to compensate for the adverse effects that could come from the constant exposure to unnatural elements. As you can see, your lifestyle may play a major role in suddenly disrupting your mission, unless you are equipped with the knowledge of what toxins are in your body - in order to counteract the challenges.

You can find resources, references and available tests at:

Heinz R Gisel is a Personal Nutritional Concepts and Medical Devices Innovator, based in San Diego and Tokyo. He is the Founder of Vitality Concepts Corporation and Doctors 4 Vitality Clinics, LLC. He developed a a clinical, non-invasive analysis system that can detect disease before any symptoms occur, without radiation. He believes that Nutrients belong into food and beverages and not capsules and pills and he has patents pending on such nutritional concepts.


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