
Friday, November 7, 2008

Website Creation - 3 Simple Steps to Starting Your Online Business

Do you know what you want your online business to be but are having a hard time getting it started? If so, follow these simple steps and you will have visitors coming to your website in no time.

1. Get a domain name - first thing you need to do is determine what you will name your website. A domain name (or URL) is what people will type in their Internet address bar to get to your website. You will need to go to a domain registration site to determine if the domain name you want exists. If so, you can reserve that name so no one else can have it. It usually cost around $10 to reserve a domain name for a year.

2. Find a hosting service - a hosting service is a company that gives you a place to put your website so that everyone on the Internet can get to it. Every website on the Internet has to have their site hosted, and it is fairly easy to find a hosting service on the Internet. A couple of the more poplar hosting companies are and You can purchase a basic hosting service for around $5 - $10 a month.

3. Create a squeeze page or landing page - of course, you will need to create your website. I suggest that when you get started, you begin by creating a very simple page called a squeeze page or landing page. Many, many small entrepreneurs made their start with nothing but a squeeze page. A squeeze page is simply a page that allows someone to signup to your webpage by giving you their name and email address. Usually you would give the visitor an incentive to signup like a free e-book or a trial service to your website.

Once you get their email address, then you can begin to build a relationship with them and promote your products. You can take a look at my website below to see an example of a successful squeeze page.

Want to learn how to make money online from home like I do? Get my latest book for free that gives step-by-step directions on how to start your online business so you can make money quicker than you thought possible!

Christopher learned the hard way how to start a successful online business. Now he wants to teach you what he learned through experience so you don't make the same mistakes. Let him show you what you must know to start your own online business.

Web Hosting


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