
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

10 Easy Ways to Make Money Online Blogging

One of the best and must used ways to make money online these days is by blogging. Hundreds of blogs are started everyday. One of the reasons is because it's the easiest way to have your own website and start making money right away. You just monetize your blog put a few posts on it and start marketing it.

Google already loves blogs because they always have new content, but marketing can help you push your blog up on the search engines. Pinging your blog whenever you do a new post, commenting on related blogs with a link back to your blog and social bookmarking your blog post are affective ways to market your blog.

Okay, so what are the 10 easy ways to make money online from your blog?

1. Ad Units: Monetize your blog with ad units from Google Adsense, Yahoo Publisher, Bidvertiser, RevenuePilot and other contextual ad sites. Contextual ads are ads that the ads sites show on your blog that are related to you're your blogs topic. When these ads are clicked on you get paid for it.

2. Sell Your Products: If you have a product blog about it and offer it for sell on your blog. You already have an audience that's interested in what you're doing take advantage of it.

3. Sell Other Peoples Products: If you have an affiliate account at Amazon. com, Clickbank, Ebay or some other affiliate program, sell affiliate products on your blog. You can do related posts for any product you want to sell.

4. Sell Ad Space: If you have a blog with a pretty good Page Rank you can sell ad space on it. You can have different prices for different areas on your blog.

5. Write Paid Reviews: You can make money from your blog by writing paid reviews for paid to blog sites like PayPerPost, SponsoredReviews, Blogsvertise, Smorty and others. These sites offer advertisers who pay to have their product or service reviewed. I must add a word of warning here though. Google has started penalizing blogs for doing paid reviews and will drop your Page Rank if you are caught doing so. However you can still make money online doing this even after a PR drop.

6. Sell An E-Book: Lots of people make some good money online writing and selling their own e-books. You can write an e-book relate to your blog's subject and offer it for sell on your blog. Your e-book doesn't have to be real fancy just give some information that people would be interested in and downloadable.

7. Ask For Donations: You would be surprise of what you can just by asking. You can for donations to help your blog going. Just put a PayPal donation in your sidebar or after every post. It doesn't hurt to ask.

8. Point Your blog To Your Paying Article: If you write articles for a site that pays you a performance fee for your articles like Associated Content or Helium you can have your blog lead your audience to those articles and make more money.

9. Sell Your Service: If you offer some kind of service like graphic design, website design, financial consultation, story writing or some other service offer it from your blog. You can even offer your blogging service to people who might need bloggers.

10. Sell Your Caf Press Items: Caf Press a site where you create your own t-shirts, coffee mugs, calendars, posters and other stuff that you can sell. Way not offer this stuff on your blog. Us PayPal "Pay Now" buttons to take the orders. When someone orders an item they pay you, you pay Caf Press a reduced price, they make the item and ship it to your customer and you never have t see the item.

That's it, that's the 10 easy ways you can make money from your blog. I realize that not all these ways are for everybody, but I'm sure there is at least one or two of these ways that everyone can find to make money online from their blog.

Learn more ways to to make money online for free at You'll find videos, articles and other resources to help you make money online. Also follow along with Michael Bridges as he takes you through his quest to make money online through niche marketing and mini-sites at his blog titled, My Make Money Online Adventure.

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